Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hi Hi

Arete Shrine
Dedicated to the Healers
Dedicated to Being my Very Best Self
Healing of Body, Mind, and Spirit

Still doing my thing.  I've been focusing more on stretching and flexibility, and yes, even muscle building.  It's too cold for me to jog and the cardio workouts that I do have don't work as well as jogging in terms of fat burning.  However, I'm going to keep on building up that muscle and endurance so I can jog further come warm weather.

I've been stretching and doing yoga 4-6 times a week, and I've noticed a significant change in my body.  It's only been 30 days, give or take.  I'm way more flexible than I used to be.  It's great.  I don't pop like I used to.  I'm not as stiff.  Especially my back.  I have greater hope for improving my terrible posture that I used to.  It's a lot easier to work with polymer clay than a piece of wood, right?

Overall, I've been doing better with my diet, too.  Although I still have cheat foods in the house, but like gluten, slowly working those out, too.  Also this just happened:

When you're about to overindulge on your cheat food, and confess to Dionysus that you know it's bad, but you're an sugar addict and a masochist... and half of the carby/gluteny snack falls onto the floor. I could only laugh and give the half to His offering bowl. Still laughing about it. God's got my back...and stomach...and health. 😂

It's like He just flicked it, "Nope."

Things are looking up...despite that anxiety and depression are hanging around more this season, but I'm exercising and eating right-ish and taking my anxiety medication.  Doing things that bring me joy.  Meditating and visiting the Twilight and praying more often.  Eventually the cold will go away and I'll be sweating my fat off at the park.

I've already done yoga this morning, but I think--especially after eating that nutty buddy--that I'm going to do some belly dancing drills, too.  I haven't done any in a week.  I've been working on techniques daily-ish, I just haven't drilled myself.  I need to.  Maybe watch some instructors and challenge myself.  Try a dance maybe?

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Workout Journal 21

Nine days in and I'm doing pretty well with one of my 2019 Tries--stretching and yoga every morning.  Or most mornings anyway.  Gotta get limber!  Especially my right hip, it's so stiff and inflexible, whereas my left hip has always been the limber one. 

Last night, my usual 8th of the month rituals was interrupted when one of my Gods said, "TAROT!"  So I taroted.  Saw an image of Shiva and drew cards that kept repeating a need for a new relationship, build that relationship.  You'll reach your goals. 

This coincides with a dream that I had last week, where I sat in front of Shiva, knee to knee, and He joined His stomach with mine, indicating that He was feeding my will power.  An answer to my prayers, as I had feared of falling back to old habits and not reaching my exercise and dance goals.  So now Shiva is here to help me stay on track and use my will power for good, instead of laziness. 

Since I lack shrine space, I'm on the hunt for a picture of Shiva that I like, that I can print out and hang on my wall.  Perhaps over by my Dance and Healing shrines? 

For now, I've got to go get the baby, and get my mommy on.