Sunday, November 25, 2018

Workout Journal 18

Still here.  Still exercising.  I had a rough exhausting period, followed by a stomach thing, where I couldn't bend over with out anal leakage.  I didn't exercise as much as I would've liked.  Today, same thing.  I wanted to go to the park because it was 50F, but I guess I ate too much fiber last night or something, because I had the shits again.  Actually crapped myself bending over to get the baby. 

Gettin old is fun? 

However, our courtyard is kind of large with a sidewalk, so if I'm serious--and I didn't eat as well as I should've this holiday--I may start jogging around the courtyard.  I feel fat.  I don't look fatter, but ugh, I feel fatter.  Doesn't help that I've been eating gluten, which bloats me up like a dead raccoon.  My self discipline has been lagging as of late.  Stress.  I need to get smart and back on track and turn that stress into useful energy again.  Instead of stress eating.  Sugar. Gluten.  Carbs.  Bad shit that causes me to regress and makes me feel terrible physically and mentally.  Tomorrow's a new day, where I'm getting back on my diet and workout routine, adding in the courtyard jog. 

Tonight, I did some of my usual workouts with a buttload of squats and some exercises that I haven't done in a while.  I also did some belly dancing drills and techniques.  Worked on my steps while holding the baby.  He enjoyed that.  Depending on my tummy, I may do some BD cardio, too.  Play some catch up.

Here's hoping that this stomach thing is over and done with tomorrow.  Yuck!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Workout Journal 14

I was sick a lot last week.  Sick and tired, as my husband started working a second job, which means that mommy has more quality time with the kids, but this week, I have coffee!  

This weekend, I moved and built heavy furniture and kicked up a sweat, so I'm counting that as cardio and muscle building.  All day yesterday, I worked on some BD techniques, and other dancing--just having fun and shaking it.  Silly, goofy fun that's good for the heart, ya know?
But I'm feeling great this week!  Ready to get back to it!

Stretches.  Yoga.
  1. 10 Shoulder Rolls, forward and backwards
  2. 20 Jumps
  3. 20 Arm Circles, left and right
  4. 20 Side Crunches Left
  5. 20 Leg Lifts, left
  6. 20 Crunches
  7. 20 Hip Lifts
  8. 20 Leg Lifts, right
  9. 20 Side Crunches, right
  10. 40 Pushups
  11. 20 Side Lunges, left and right
  12. 30 Calf Raises
  13. 20 Squats
  14. 20 Lunges, left and right

Belly Dancing:
I worked on different steps and with transitioning from a left side hip flick to a right side hip flick.  I also worked more on the Choo Choo Shimmy, because I haven't been doing them right, more like I've been shimming on my toes.  But now I feel like I have that part stable enough to do a proper Choo Choo!  Like usual, I'll be working on various moves all day long.  

Stretches.  Hydrate.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Workout Journal 13

Yesterday, I stretched with a bit of yoga.  Towards the evening, I worked on tip-toe walking, posture, and some steps learned in one of those cardio bd vids.

Stretch. Focusing on my inner thighs, as I've been having problems with soreness, which I think has something to do with my chair. 

Bit of yoga.

20 each of:

  1. Left side leg lifts (floor)
  2. Left side crunches
  3. Crunches
  4. Hip Lifts (floor)
  5. Right side leg lifts (floor)
  6. Right side crunches
  7. Pushups
  8. Arm Circles (back and for)
  9. Jumping in place
  10. Squats
  11. Calf Raises
  12. Shoulder rolls

Stretch.  Hydrate.

Like usual, Belly Dancing techniques and drills throughout the day.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Workout Journal 12 & Yoga

So, in order to get more flexible and get better stretching, I think I'm going to try yoga again (I used to do P90X Yoga).  Only instead of following thinner people, try plus-sized yoga.  My largest area is my gut--I have a big ole stubborn gut, and trying to do some of the poses that thinner folks do just isn't my thing right now.

I already do some yoga to stretch out my back and help a little bit with my posture, but I want to do more.  I need that flexibility if I'm going to learn to dance better.  I'm also going to try some stretches for the inflexible, too.

Problem is that yoga is just sooooo sloow and boring, which is why I like P90X Yoga because it's fast paced, and I love that.  Maybe I'll go back to P90X, as we do still have the videos on this computer.  We'll see.  Yoga is more for stretching, and P90X Yoga is more about weightloss.

I figure that I'm learning how to dance, I might as well do dancer stretches, right?

If you're curious about the videos that I learn from, here's my Youtube playlist, Arete.

I haven't worked out yet, as I've been really tired today.  But now that I've napped and the kids are in bed, I'm going to do some cardio once the husband goes to bed, and update this after.

I think it's time for me to put a workout plan together, with some days for yoga, muscle building, and cardio.  Oh, and this year when asked what I want for Yule, I'm going to ask for dumbbells.  Or a gift card so I can buy some other gear for my weightloss journey.


Workout Journal:
  1. Leilah Isaac - Belly Dance Home Workout / For Weight Loss -

I ran out of steam towards the end, so I just kept moving.  Working on other steps and hip rotations and doing the chest shimmy at the same time as the Egyptian shimmy, which is coordination, and I'm not the most coordinated right now!  I want to give this workout another try tomorrow, and really try to finish it.  This workout has the different steps and spins and arm movements, and it's just great.  

Friday, November 2, 2018

Workout Journal 11

Today is cardio day, and what do you know, I started my morning off with a jog!  My son forgot his backpack this morning, so I had to jog from the bus stop back home and back again.  Didn't break a sweat, nor was I out of breath.  It's funny because I haven't jogged in a while.  It felt great.  Maybe I'll break away to the park some time this weekend?

I just finished working out to one of Leilah Isaccs' videos, and plan on doing at least one more.  But the baby is up right now, so I had to stop.  But at least I finished the first video.

  1. Belly Dance Sweat Workout / Full Body -
  2. Belly Dance Fitness Calorie Burn Extreme - Shimmy Challenge -

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Workout Journal 10

Because I'm not very flexible, if I'm not able to get a workout in, I do try to stretch daily.  Get myself limber.


  1. 50 Squats
  2. 20 Calf Raise Jumps
  3. 60 Arm Circles (front and back)
  4. 80 Side Crunches (left and right)
  5. 60 Crunches
  6. 30 Hip Lifts
  7. 40 Leg Lifts, Floor (left and right)
  8. 20 Push ups
  9. 13 secs Plank

Belly Dancing: Random short things throughout the day.

Stretch.  Hydrate.

I think tomorrow I'm going to focus more on cardio.  I've been focusing a lot on muscle building and not enough on fat burning.