Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Let's Keep It Going!

Hurting my back last fall stopped my hard workouts, and I also got a little depressed and stopped being as strict with my diet. In January, I was 333lbs. Quite a big increase from 271lbs.

After that, my diet wasn't as loose, nor as strict. I was doing back-friendly stretches nearly everyday, then back-friendly yoga and exercises. Still belly dancing. Still weight lifting. 60-90 squats 4-6 times a week. Walking a few times a week. Building up my endurance again through biking, too.

Today I'm at 311lbs. 22lbs down! Going to get back on my strict diet and increase my workout bit-by-bit. Let's keep it going! Gonna keep burning those 62 lbs and then some.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Fear and Push

I realized a bit ago, that hurting my back in the fall made me afraid to go HAM with my workouts.  Healing has been a long journey, and I do have to be careful.  I stopped doing yoga as often, I stopped jogging, I stopped lifting as much, I stopped dancing as much, and I also stopped counting carbs, because why not?  I was afraid.

Them muscle spasms suck and my medication for it sucked too.  I stopped taking the meds because they weren't doing anything.  My insurance only covers so much for the entire family, so I decided to save it for my kids, and figure out other things.  Even though I really wanted to go to a chiropractor or try a Reiki healer.  I didn't have the insurance or money.

After the beginning of the year, I got a little braver.  I was doing some light yoga and light dancing.  At some point at had a day of mini spasms, and got depressed.  Covid hits and I got serious about my health again.  Refusing to give up, finding other ways to work with my back and heart.  60-90 squats 4-6 times a week.  Calf raises here, weigh lifting here, some belly dancing thrown in all over the place.  Stretching almost every day.  Walking with the family whenever the weather was favorable.  We got bikes and rode around the neighborhood, searching for family friendly bike trails that didn't involve going on the main roads (which hasn't been easy to find, except in rich areas).  I've looked at the apps.

We got stricter about not eating out (Hermes gave it to us straight, pretty much).

I'm in week three of working on my posture, and have been doing yoga postures to help with that.  

I'm slowly getting back on track with low carb, gluten free, less processed foods.  I tried Pescatarian (however it's spelled) and immediately failed it, plus I was concerned about fish populations.  There are fish farms but most places want wild caught, which isn't good for the ecosystem.  I'm fine and prefer ethically farmed fish/seafood.  Anyway...

My back pain is partially connected to my weight.  All the more to balance the work outs with the diet, because I can't do one or the other, it has to be both.

Lately, I've been getting tougher on what my kids are snacking on.  If they're hungry, there's carrots, apples, or bananas to eat.

Yesterday, hubby had a physical for a new job: he's nearly 400lbs, has high blood pressure, and possibly sleep apnea (which I can give a hard yes on that one).  He has another doctor's appoint on Monday about all that.  Which I'm kind of happy about--not his bad health--but that we'll be buying less junk and more healthy foods.  Sometimes he goes HAM on junk food, and I don't buy what I need because of the price.  Despite what some folks say, to eat fresh and healthy costs more.  I've been pricing and paying attention, maybe it's different in some areas of the country/world.

Anyway I know it's going to be a fight, because we're both lazy and stubborn.  His mom just had a heart attack last month.  She doesn't take care of herself, you know.  My husband works out here and there.  He eats okay.  I think that was a wake up call for him, too.  I am definitely going to have to be the mean wife once in a while.  

It's going to be a battle, but I'm looking for to it.  Maybe it'll drive me a little harder, too?

Although, let me say, when I look at myself, I don't see disgusting fat.  I'm still overweight, but I'm able to look and be grateful for my body.  It gave me four beautiful children...and a loving man too.  My body wasn't destroyed by pregnancy, it was transformed.