Saturday, October 13, 2018

Not Meant to Sound Like an Infomercial

Holy crap, guys. I've been belly dancing for almost a month, practicing almost every day, and I've noticed a SIGNIFICANT change in my core! There's a definitive difference between my hips and stomach now, as muscles are being built, everything's slimming and toning down. Like, I'm seriously amazed by it all. Holy crap. I have an ass, hips, and a smaller stomach. And my posture's also getting better!

Seriously, feeling fat and want to tone your core, try belly dancing. Youtube. Free. At home. 15-30 minutes a day. Yeah, you might be tired, but exercise and release those endorphins. Exercise to get energy. If you feel silly, who cares? Laughs, but keep moving. You'll get it down with practice.

I started with the first and second links, and now mostly work from Leilah Isaac fat burning belly dancing videos. They'll work your glutes, your core, and your arms. Full bodied workout.

- Magnolia Bellydance -
- Banjara School of Dance -
- Leilah Isaac -

I wish that I had taken before pictures when I started my journey, but I didn't think that I'd stick with it.  Also wish that I had taken before pictures before belly dancing, but I didn't realize how fast of a change with my core would happen either.  Perhaps I'll take a picture for my first month, which is on the 20th. 


Workout Entry 2:


  1. 30 Calf Raises
  2. 15 Arm raises, Knee Bending...things
  3. 100 Arm Circles
  4. 40 Floor Leg Lifts (20 each)
  5. 20 Floor Hip Lifts 
  6. 40 Side Crunches (20 each)
  7. 20 Crunches 
  8. 20 Bicycle Crunches
  9. 20 Push Ups
  10. 20 Floor Kick Backs (10 each)
  11. 11 seconds Plank
  12. 80 Squats

Belly Dancing: Shoulders Back, Tailbone Tucked, Abs Engaged; Knees slightly bent
  1. 80 Basic Hip Lifts Double Time (40 each side)
  2. 80 Hip Flicks (40 each)
  3. 100 Pelvic Tilts/Tucks
  4. 60 Hip Twists (30 each side)
  5. 100 Chest Lifts
  6. 60 Pelvic Circles (30 each)
  7. 20 Hip Circles (10 each)
  8. A few minutes of Walking with Alternate Hip Lifts up and down my hallway
  9. 60 seconds Egyptian Shimmy
  10. 60 seconds Choo Choo Shimmy

    Stretch.  Water.

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